
Information for Investors

Optare plc Share Information

As of 31 December 2017 Capita Asset Services ceased to provide Matched Bargain Services, in response Optare plc have appointed Asset Match to provide a market platform for buying or selling Optare plc shares.

Should you wish to buy or sell Optare plc shares, please register with Asset Match at

Asset Match provides a market platform for existing Optare plc shareholders to partially or fully realise the value of their share capital and also facilitates the purchase of Optare plc shares for new investors.

In order to trade shares, you will need to use a stockbroker. If you already have a stockbroker you can continue to trade shares through them. However, many people who trade shares on Asset Match do so through The Share Centre, one of the UK’s leading retail stockbrokers. They will be able to help you buy, sell and monitor the value of your shares and keep up to date on Company announcements.

The Asset Match website shows bids to buy shares and offers to sell, with the share price set at each monthly auction by calculating the single price at which sell side supply and buy side demand meet.

Click here to view the Optare plc Asset Match Company Profile or call
 +44 207 248 2788

Corporate Governance

The Directors recognise the importance of sound corporate governance. They intend to comply with the main provisions of the Combined Code wherever practicable, given the company’s size and the constitution of the Board.

Takeover Regulations

Optare plc is subject to the UK City Code on Takeover & Mergers.

Company Directors

Gopal Mahadevan
Venkatesan Venkataraman

General Meeting

Notice is given that a General Meeting of the company is scheduled to be held on 19 March 2025 at 12:00pm at the registered office:

Unit 3, Hurricane Way South,
Sherburn in Elmet,
North Yorkshire,
LS25 6PT

Shareholder Letter

Notice of General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting of the company is scheduled to be held on 27 September 2024 at 12:00pm at the registered office:

Unit 3, Hurricane Way South,
Sherburn in Elmet,
North Yorkshire,
LS25 6PT

Shareholder Letter

Notice of AGM – to be held on 27 September 2024

2024 Annual Report and Accounts

Shareholder Documents

Optare plc is incorporated in England (Registration Number 06481690), which is also its main country of operation.
The Company is not currently listed on any other exchanges or trading platforms.  (Pleasenote pop-up blockers may affect the performance of this website)

Circular Re: Final de-listing
(30 April 2015)

Circular Re: Placing
(20th December 2011)

Circular Re: Placing
(15th February 2011)

Circular Re: Placing
(29th July 2010)

Articles of Association
(June 2010)

Circular Re: Placing
(3rd September 2009)

Supplementary Admission Document
(7th July 2008)

Admission Document
(June 2008)

Admission Document
(February 2008)

Certificate of Incorporation

Memorandum of Association

Shares in Issue

Number of shares in issue (as at 31 March 2023):
96,210,291,827 Ordinary shares of 0.1p each,
752,145,493 Ordinary shares of 0.9p each.

Significant shareholders (as at 31 March 2023):
Ashok Leyland: 91.626%
Hinduja Automotive: 7.795%

Shares not in public hands

Quality statement

Optare is committed to product and service excellence; designing, producing and delivering buses that meet market quality and performance criteria.

We work with our customers to ensure that our products and services meet their requirements and expectations by:

– Building and maintaining the management system through regular reviews of the systems to continuously improve,

– Continuously improving product designs, performance, reliability and after-market services,

– Training and development of employees,

– Developing partnerships with our suppliers,

– Recognizing that Quality is the responsibility of every employee extending from the Board of Directors and it is the duty of all employees to ensure these commitments are fulfilled.

All departments within our organisation work together closely to achieve product and service excellence.

The Quality Management System (QMS) and Policy will be reviewed to assess its effectiveness and opportunities for improvement

This policy is fundamental to the company’s operations. Therefore all levels of the company actively support the Quality Department in its implementation.


Need more info?

If you need more information about our solutions or our company then get in touch.

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